Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Winter Day

The past few days have been very busy in Bat Yam. At the Kadima Centre, we are facilitating Chugim (hobby group activities) for the children. The children have experienced programming on English vocabulary, aerobics, music, art, computers and cosmetics, and we hope to add to this list of activities as we progress in our volunteer session. The level of excitement rises at Kadima when it is time for Chugim, as the children are given the opportunity to make choices, acquire new skills and have fun.

Yesterday afternoon was Winter Day at Kadima. The objectives of this program focused on teaching the children about winter in Canada, through avariety of fun activities. The kids at the Centre were split into three groups that rotated to the different activity stations. First, the children watched a slideshow illustrating different animals, sports, clothing and activities associated with winter in Canada. Then, the kids played a game of memory using a list of Hebrew and English winter words. Next, everyone had the chance to create and decorate snowflakes made out of construction paper. Finally, all of the children were invited to decorate snowball cookies, using whipped cream and sprinkles. The program was a huge success. The opportunity for us to teach about Canada has given us the ability to strengthen the connection that we are beginning to build with the children.

In addition to our time at Kadima every afternoon, we have started to volunteer elsewhere in the community in the mornings. While the logistics of these volunteer activities are still to be fine tuned, we hope to be able to lead activities at local schools, a centre for elderly residents, a nursery and the community garden. More to come on these activities in our next post, but for now, we’re off to enjoy the 40 degree weather!

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